Initiate Phase: Reauirements - Developing effective requirements

6 important questions on Initiate Phase: Reauirements - Developing effective requirements

What is the first step in gathering requirements and why is this important?

The first step is is identifying and understanding who the stakeholders are, whar perspectives they bring and how those will be accommodated. 
If key stakeholder has been left out of the process, the project is already in danger of failing.

What is the next milestone to be achieved after identifying the stakeholders and what clear understanding should you have about that?

the next milestone to be achieved should be to understand the business objectives for the project. must have a clear understanding of the business objectives:
  • Unambiguously documented
  • Wideley  reviewed
  • Signed off by all the stakeholders

What is the next third milestone Understand the specification about?

At all stages during the functional and technical requirements definition, the team should be checking back. against the business objectives to ensure things are heading in the right direction.
         If it is not possible to understand the functional and technical requirements in sufficient detail to give confidence that you know what you are buying, stop, re-assess and, as necessary, re-do this phase until the confidence level is sufficiently high to enable you to move forward.
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Where are technical requirements meant for

Technical requirements should be those that are absolutely necessary for compatibility, performance, or future enhancement.

What are other ingredients for developing effective requirements?

  • Agree on the acceptance procedure and criteria
  • put in place a robust change management process

Why do you need to know why and what you are buying?

Whether your requirement is sufficient to define your purchase and evaluate performance.

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