Develop Phase: Licenses and Leases - Licenses

4 important questions on Develop Phase: Licenses and Leases - Licenses

What is a major release?

A version of the software that contains new functionality and usually combines any previous versions (left of the decimal point (2.0/3.0)

What is a minor release?

A version of the software that contains minor enhancements. A number to the right of a decimal point (2.3 to 2.4)

What is a patch?

Individual updates are often issued by way of a Patch.
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What varieties of software licenses exists?

  • Perpetual (never ending)
  • Term (during contract only)
  • Shared (in case of joint ownership)
  • Third party (subcontracters have access)
  • Short evaluation (for testing 30-90 days)
  • Click-wrap or shrink-wrap (for off shelf)
  • Freeware or open source

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