Negotiation Principles - Negotiation styles

6 important questions on Negotiation Principles - Negotiation styles

Which negotiation styles are distinguished?

  • lose-win (concessionary)
  • win-win (corporation)
  • win-lose (competitive)

How would you describe the concessionary style?

One party sacrifices so the other party can profit.

How would you describe the competitive style?

Every point is highly contested and considered almost a prize, produces a win-lose  outcome, the opposite of the concessionary approach.
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How would you describe the cooperation style?

This style lies between the competitive and the coörporative style.
The closer the two parties are to cooperation, or the middle the continuum, the more collaborative the approach and style will be and leads to a win-win situation.

The more important an ongoing trading relationship is, the more the negotiation will be driven to the middle of the continuum. Single transactions, particularly those not requiring respect of the other party, tend to drive behavior to the two raw extremes.

What is critical to succes of negotiation?

The ability to move across tbc continuum as needed to resolve the business problem.

The importance lies not in accurately labeling a particular approach, but in understanding how to most effectively achieve the business objective.

What amount of time expire with negotiating?

There is no set amount of time lotted to negotiation. All of the steps may be completed in a single day with one phone call and a few emails, or it may take several months a string of calls, emails, and meetings.

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