Cost, Pricing, and Payment - Basic pricing principels

3 important questions on Cost, Pricing, and Payment - Basic pricing principels

What are the elements/questions for pricing decisions?

  • What are customers willing to pay?
  • What are the supplier s competitors charging?
  • What are the supplier s costs involved in the sale?
  • What pricing or charging options are available and affordable for the supplier?

--> the most important factor is what the customer is willing to pay.

What are possible key issues a supplier wants to achieve in his market?

  • supplier may be trying to develop a permanent market position
  • The supplier could be seeking higher short-term profits in a market
  • supplier may be seeking to defend, maintain or grow market
  • ^fhe supplier may be introducing a new product or offer that has considerable economic value to a customer

When is a supplier going to use new charging/pricing?

A supplier is going to use new charging/pricing as a source of competitive differentiation, particularly where this positively impacts the financial or risk factors for the customer. These

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