Bid Phase: Bid and Proposal Management - RFx documents and the buyer perspective

15 important questions on Bid Phase: Bid and Proposal Management - RFx documents and the buyer perspective

In what way can a buyer get information to support purchasing decisions?

They may request this information from potential suppliers in three different
  • RFP 
  • RFI
  • RFQ

How relate the RFx documents to each other?

  • The RFP takes the most time to prepare and manage and used on large procurement.
  • If buyer can use an RFQ it will be easier than an RFP.
  • RFI is usually a preliminary step before issuing an RFP
  • The RFI helps to gather ^formation to be used in the eventual RFP
  • It helps the buyer decide not to issue an RFP.

In which situations is a mini RFP more appropriate?

Sometimes a mini-RFP (an RFP with few requirements and few price components) is more appropriate for smaller or less complex procurements.
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When is a RFI/RFQ/RFP not appropriate?

  • If time is of the essence
  • If only one supplier offers the product

How do you name if only one supplier offers the product?

You call it a sole-source environment.

What reflects the choice of the used RFx?

It reflects the current level of confidence in the requirements.

What are the conditions for evaluation criteria RFx and what are the consequences if this is not maintained?

criteria for evaluating the responses at each stage of the RFx must be transparent and fair—otherwise there is the possibility of suppliers challenging the decisions or internal stakeholders feeling their issues have been marginalized. In oublie procurements, this might lead to a legal challenge.

Which questions may be received from suppliers?

  • Clarification on requirements, especially requirements marked as must-have.
  • Questions about technical specifications that appear to be linked to a particular vendor.
  • Whether there is a confirmed budget for the project.
  • "Whether management has already internally selected the winning supplier (and that the RFP is just a formality).
  • Whether the supplier can propose its own solution, or a variant foitv the customer specification (one not contemplated by the RFP).

Where can questions from suppliers give attention to and what has going to happend in that situation?

Sometimes questions will bring attention to information in the RFx that is incorrect or incomplete. In these cases all potential suppliers should be notified of the deficiency, provided with the corrected information, and if necessary, the response date extended to incorporate the changes.

What is the advantage and the disadvantage of an open process (evaluation criteria and weightings will be made known to the suppliers)

suppliers can adjust their offerings to demonstrate how they would meet those weighted criteria;
They might distort their claimed capabilities

How many suppliers is the best practice for a BAFO and what are benefit with less suppliers?

it is best practice to have two or three suppliers in the Best and final bidding offer.

However, it is easier to manage two suppliers than three (or more) and easier to pick a clear winner.

How many suppliers should be allowed to continue to the BAFO round?

This depends on:
  • the number initially bidding
  • the competitive nature of the environment,
  • perhaps some political factors as well as the practicalities of managing a parallel dialogue with two or more supplier
  • likely to be affected by complexity and cost. 

Where is the final round aimed on?

at lowering the cost of the suppliers' proposal and ensuring that the buyer has a good understanding of the solution the commitment to deliver as specified.
Few modifications in requirements, if any, should occur at this point.

Checklist: Keys for success

  • Preparation: A thorough bid process takes a good deal of preparation and forethought. This yields rewards many times over by having a relatively stress-free procurement.
  • Tailoring: Tailor the size of your RFx efforts to the complexity of the procurement and the ssociated risks to your company of not having the requirements met.
  • Taking a long-term view: Embark on the RFx process with a view to the end result of a partnership/ relationship with your supplier(s) of choice by treating the prospective suppliers as potential partners rather than future enemies as you go through the bidding process.

What is the benefit if every step in this process if every step is chosen with awareness of the businessproblem?

Choose every step in this process with an awareness of the business problem being solved by the procurement If
all efforts are in line with that, the process win be appropriate to the rewards obtained.

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