Fundamentals of MCS

8 important questions on Fundamentals of MCS

Principal-agent relation ships

Relationship between a superior, referred to as principal, and a subordinate, called the agent.

Element that need to be balanced for a good working MCS:

  • Delegated decision authority
  • Performance evaluation and measurement systems
  • Compensation and reward system

Types of responsibility centers:

  • Cost centers (kosten)
  • Revenue centers (inkomsten)
  • Profit centers (winst)
  • Investment centers (investering)
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Discretionary cost center

If managers are held responsible but the relation between inputs and outputs cannot be specified. Often within non-profit-organizations.

Comparing a manufacturing with a consulting...

Is very difficult because of the different risks.

Dual rate method

Cost allocation method that separates a common cost into fixed and variable componets and the allocates each component using a different allocation base.

Performance measurement system

The system should identify what actions can improve the reported performance of the organization and reflect the results of those actions. It should be structured so that managers have nog reason or incentive to use illegal or inethical behavior to improve their performance evaluation and, therfore, their reward.

Pressures that can lead to unethical behavior:

  • Unrealistic budget pressure results
  • Financial pressure resulting from bonus plans that depend on short-term economic performance.

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