Performance Measurement to Support Business Strategy - Identify examples of nonfinancial performance measures and discuss the potential for improved performance resulting from improved activity management

4 important questions on Performance Measurement to Support Business Strategy - Identify examples of nonfinancial performance measures and discuss the potential for improved performance resulting from improved activity management

Performance measure must be based on the organizations:

  • Responsibilities
  • Goals
  • Strategies

Which are likely to be different for each organization.

Customer satisfaction measures:

  • Quality control (increase customer satisfaction)
  • Delivery performance (deliver goods and services when promised)
  • Bookings and purchase orders (a decrease in booking and purchase orders sends a signal to management to devote more marketing effort to sales)
  • Market share

Functional performance measures:

  • Manufacturing cycle time
  • Manufacturing cycle efficiency
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Firms often make four mistakes when trying to measure non-financial performance:

  • Not linking measure to stratgy
  • Not validating the links
  • Not setting the right performance targets
  • Measuring incorrectly

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