Structuring and designing organizations

3 important questions on Structuring and designing organizations

What are the 6 basic elements of organization structure?

  1. Work specialization (a division of labour)
  2. Departmentalization (FPCGP, cross-functional teams)
  3. Authority + responsibility (chain of demand, authority vs power)
  4. Span of control (no more than 6)
  5. Centralization vs Decentralization
  6. Formalization (standardized)

What are today's organizational design challenges?

  • Keeping employees connected
  • Managing global structural issues
  • Building a learning organization
  • Desinging flexbile work arrangements
    • telecommuting
    • complex workweeks
      • compressed workweek
      • flextime
      • job sharing
      • contingent workers

What is a learning organization?

An organition that developed the capacity to continously learn, adapt and change
  • Design: boudnaryless, teams, empowerment
  • Information sharing: open, timely, accurate
  • Leadership: shared vision, collaboration
  • Organizational culture: strong mutual relationships, sense of community, caring, trust

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