Managing HR and diversity - What is Human Resource Management process and what influences it?

9 important questions on Managing HR and diversity - What is Human Resource Management process and what influences it?

What is Human Resource Mgt?

Is the management function that is concerned with getting, training, motivating, and keeping competent employees.

What are the 8 most important HRM activities?

  1. Recruitment and downsizing
  2. selection
  3. orientation
  4. training and development
  5. performance mgt
  6. compensation and benefits
  7. safety and health
  8. Strategic HR planning

What are affirmative action programs?

Programs that ensure that decisions and practices enhance the employment, upgrading and retention of member of protected groups
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What is first phase of the HRM process?

1. Employment planning (Assessing curent and future HR needs - developing a plan to meet those needs)
2. Recruitment and downsizing

3. Selection (screening job applications to ensure that most appropriate candidates are hired)
- Written tests: IQ
- performance simulation: selection devices based on actual job behaviors
- interview
- close the deal

How to increase job satisfaction and reduce turnover?

Realistic job preview = preview of a job that provides both positive and negative information about the job and the company

What entails phase 3?

6. Performance management system: a system that establishes performance standards that are used to evaluate employee performance.
7. Compensation & safety:
8. Safety & health

What are approaches to do a multiperson comparison?

1. Group-order ranking
Evaluator places employees into a particular classification. Number of employees placed in each classification must be as equal as possible.
2. Individual ranking approach
Evaluator lists employees in order from highest to lowest performance levels. Only one can be ‘best’.
3. Paired comparison approach
Each employee is compared with every other employee in the comparison group and rated as either the superior or weaker member of the pair.

Why are traditional-employee manager performance evaluation systems outdated?

- Downsizing – supervisors may have more employees to manage, making it difficult to have extensive knowledge of each one’s performance.
- Project teams and employee involvement – others (not managers) may be better able to make accurate assessments.

What to do when employee's performance are not up to par?

Job mismatch (hiring error)  Reassign individual to better-matched job
Inadequate training   Provide training
Lack of desire to do job                     Try employee counseling (help to overcome performance related problems

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