Motivating and Rewarding Employees - How do the contemporary theories explain motivation?
8 important questions on Motivating and Rewarding Employees - How do the contemporary theories explain motivation?
What are 4 early theories of motivation?
2. McGregor's Theory X and Y
3. Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory
4. McClelland's Three-Needs Theory
Explain Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs theory
- Each level must be substantially satisfied before the next need becomes dominant
- Managers will do things to satisfy employees' needs.
- REMEMBER: once a need is substantially satisfied, it no longer motivates
- Easy to understand BUT
- No empirical support provided for theory
What is McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y?
X = negative view of people that assumes workers have little ambition, dislike work, want to avoid responsibility, and need to be closely controlled to work effectively
Y = a positive view that assumes employees enjoy work, seek out and accept responsibility, and exercise self-direction
- To maximize employee motivation, use theory Y practices - allows employees to participate in decisions, create responsible and challenging jobs, and encourage good group relations
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What is Herzberg's Two-factor theory?
Intrinsic factors are related to job satisfaction, while extrinsic like job context factors are associated with job dissatisfaction.
Motivating employees: when hygiene factors are adequate, people won't be dissatisfied. To motivate people, use motivators
What is McClelland's three-needs theory?
- Need for achievement (nAch): drive to succeed and excel in relation to a set of standards
- Need for power (nPow): which is the need to make others behave in a way that they would not have behaved otherwise.
- Need for affiliation (nAff): which is the desire for friendly and close interpersonal relationships
Best managers tend to be high in nPower and low in nAff.
What are four contemporary motivation theories?
- Goal setting (Locke)
- Job characteristics model (Hackman and Oldman)
- Equity theory (Adams)
- Expectancy Theory (Vroom)
What is the goal setting theory from Locke?
Explain the integrating contemporary theories of motivation.
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