Gvvg - what are 6 key elements in organisational design

7 important questions on Gvvg - what are 6 key elements in organisational design

What is departementalization and which 5 methods can you use? (1 little extra nowadays)

departmentalization is in who you will be putting together in departments of your company.
  1. functional departmentalization: putting the same workers together ( economy of scale)
  2. product departmentalization: all different activities of 1 product are grouped ( 1 manager is under direction of all avtivities)
  3. customer departmentalization: all customers have a common set of problems for specialists (lawyer individual or corporation)
  4. geographic departmentalization: based on which activities are done where in the world
  5. process departmentalization: departments are divided in sections and customers have to go threw those different processes to get their product or service (gemeentehuis)
  6. cross functional teams 

What are the differences between line authority and staff authority?

with line authority you can direct the activities of someone below you and with staff authority you have some authority and you use this for a small department to help and facilitate the work of someone with line authority.

How is authority seen today by researchers?

it is only one of the elements in the larger concept of power
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How can someone with low authority still have a lot of power in the company?

because they are close to the core of the company ( assistent of the boss)

Give 3 elements on which span of control depends:

- organisational role (higher manager-> smaller span)
- similarity of employee task
-complexity of employee task

What is the difference between centralization and decentralization?

centralisation: top managers make decisions
decentralization: closest to the problem makes decisions (nowadays more and more)

Which are the 6 key elements in organisational design?

- centralisation - decentralisation
- authority and responsibility
- departmentalization
- job specification
- span of control
- formalization

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