Gvvg - What are today’s organizational design challenges?

5 important questions on Gvvg - What are today’s organizational design challenges?

Give 4 organisations design challenges

- keeping employees connected
- keep in mind the intercultural differences
- have a learning organisation
- design efficient en effective flexible work arrangements

What are the 4 characteristics of a learning organisation and explain:

the organisational design: boundryless, teams, empowerment-> no need for bosses
information sharing: because no boundries information timely and accurate
leadership: leaders have to translate the vision to the employees and support them into callaborative employees
culture: open culture, sense of community with strong relationships, trust and caring

What are the pro's and contra's of telecommuting (3 each)

pro's: no need for expensive building, no high gas prices, having talented workers who want to work from home
contra's: might waste time by surfing, hard to make suggestions for improvement, keeping information safe
  • Higher grades + faster learning
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What are flexible jobs?

being able to schedule your hours as you want ( often still a few vast hours a day)

Contingent workers = freelancers


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