Foundations of planning

7 important questions on Foundations of planning

What is the difference between a real and a stated goal?

stated goals are the goals a company tells the outside world and they want to make the shareholders to believe this while the real goals represent what the employees are doing, actions define priorities.

How does traditional goal setting work?

with traditional goal setting the top managers define the goals of the company and these goals are translated into subgoals in the different organisational areas of the company

Which 6 steps do managers have to follow in the setting of goals?

  1. review the mission statement and make sure the goals are in line with the employees tasks
  2. evaluate the resources, make sure the goals are challenging but realistic
  3. make sure the goals are congruent with the mission and goals of other departments, the goals must be specific, measurable and include a time frame
  4. make sure they are well written and communicate them to all who need to know
  5. build in a feedback system to see how goals progress
  6. link rewards to goal attainment
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What are the 4 criteria on how to recognise different plans?

-breadth (tactical(detailed)  vs strategic (overal goals) )
-time frame (long >3y vs short<1y)
- specificity (directional (flexible)  vs specific( clarity) )
- frequency of use (single use (unique situation)  vs standing(repeatedly) )

What are the 3 contingency factors that affect in the choice of planning?

-organisational level: top manager (strategic) lower manager (operational)
- degree of environmental uncertainty: when uncertainty. is high plans should be specific but flexible
- length of future commitment: when a company makes plan they have to tak einto account  the future expenses generated by that plan

What is a formal planning department?

a department especially made for planning, they help the top manager to communicate their planning into various departments. this is seen as a boring planning solution because the employees at the various departments do not even look at the planning

What is a better way to do planning instead of the formal planning department?

to involve organisational members from all various departments and to led them take decisions in the planning because they know their department as the best and can communicate it easily to their employees.

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