Managing change and innovation - herh

5 important questions on Managing change and innovation - herh

Describe the fourfold process of creativity

  1. perception (the way you see things)
  2. incubation (let the ideas rip untill they are on point)
  3. inspiration ( all your efforts sucessfully come together)
  4. innovation (taking the inspiration and turning it into a product)

What are the 3 variables that foster an innovative environment?

structure, culture and human resources

Which 5 elements on the hand of structure improve innovation?

- a lot of resources
- organic structure ( not complicated)
- frequent communication and cross cultural teams
- not having time pressure
- when the structure supports creativity
  • Higher grades + faster learning
  • Never study anything twice
  • 100% sure, 100% understanding
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Which 8 elements on the hand of culture improve innovation?

- tolerating the impractical
- accepts ambiguity
- keep external control minimal (rules, regulation,...)
- tolerate risk (mistakes are learning opportunities)
- tolerate conflict
- focus on end rather than means
- open-system focus
- provides positive feedback

Which 3 elements on the hand of human resources improve innovation?

-actively promote training to their employees
- offer high security jobs (won't fire them for making mistakes)
- encourage individuals to become idea champions

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