Managers & management - ways to look at what managers do

5 important questions on Managers & management - ways to look at what managers do

What is perceived under the 4 functions approach?

POLC: Planning organising leading controlling
POCCC (early 1900, Fayol) : planing organising, coordinating controlling commanding

Which 4 skills and competencies do managers need?

  1. political skills: having the right connections
  2. interpersonal skills: being able to work well with individuals and team (motivate, coordinate, monitor,...)
  3. technical skills :have knowledge over your area and knowing your sector.
  4. conceptual skills: being able to analyse and diagnose complex situations to be able to make good decisions

What are the 4 functions of managers and explain them?

Planning: Defining goals, establishing strategies, and developing plans to coordinate activities.

Leading: Motivating employees, directing them, selecting the most effective communication channel and resolving conflicts.

Organizing: Determining what needs to be done, how it will be done and by who it will be done.

Controlling: Monitoring activities to Ensure they are accomplished as planned
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What are the differences of being a manager in a small or large organisation?

the activities the managers do are not that different but the time they spend on those activities are, the most important task of a manager in a small organisation is to be the spokesperson and the one from big organisations is to allocate the right resources to the right departments.

What are the differences between a top manager and a first line manager?

a top manager will be more busy with organising and planning activities while a first line manager will be more busy with leading his department

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