Foundation of planning - What contemporary planning issues do managers face?

4 important questions on Foundation of planning - What contemporary planning issues do managers face?

How does a culture affect what employees do?

if a company has a strong culture (which means employees respect the core values and norms of a company and that it is very clear) it is a lot easier for a manager to manage because he does not have to set up written rules for his employees. the employees know what is perceived as 'good work' and they don't need any written rules to behave toward the company's culture.

How can managers plan effectively in dynamic environments?

Managers should provide plans that are specific but flexible and they should realize that planning is an ongoing process. Even when the environement is highly uncertain it is important to keep formally planning to see any change in the organziation. And finally make the organization's hierarchy flatter to plan effectively in dynamic environments. This means that lower organizational levels can also set goals and plan because there isn't a lot of time to flow the plans from top to bottom of the organization. It's important to teach lower levels as well how to plan and set goals.

How does a culture affects what managers do?

a culture has a great impact on the way of working of managers, managers do feel how they have to act according to the culture, if a culture is very innovative, managers will likely take more risk than if a company is focussed on being a stable company.
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How can managers use environmental scanning?

By using competitive intelligence, this means looking what their competitors do in a legal way. It gives managers accurate information about what the competitors are doing. It isn't espionnage, only everything that can be found for example on the internet because of ads,promotions,...

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