Managers & management - what factors are redefining and reshaping management

4 important questions on Managers & management - what factors are redefining and reshaping management

What are the 4 things that are changing and are increasingly important for organisations and managers everywhere?

  1. sustainability
  2. social media
  3. customers
  4. innovation

Why is innovation so important in todays organisation,

because the market is so competitive today you will have to be different as the others and stand out, this is why managers constantly have to look for new ways to do things and take risk

What is are the advantages an disadvantages of social media?

the advantages of social media are that we have a platform where all of the employees of a company can communicate and for example can share important info to the other side of the world, also it is a helpful tool for managers to keep their employees happy and to check on HR
the disadvantages of social media if the platform is not being used in the right way it can be dangerous for the company, if managers only use it to send one way messages to employees or if employees start griping about collegues
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Why are managers important to an organisation?

if employees have a good relationship with their direct supervisors, this will increase employer engagement and it is also the biggest factor of employer engagement so it means that pays are less important the managers

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