Gvvg - What are some common organizational designs?

6 important questions on Gvvg - What are some common organizational designs?

What are the pro's and contra's of simple organisational structure?

pro's: simple, authority lies with 1 person, inexpensive
contra's: growing operation -> risky to put all responsibility with 1 person

What are the pro's and contra's of functional organisational structure?

pro's: work specialisation, employees can help other employees
contra's: employees have no idea of what other functions are doing

What are the pro's and contra's of divisional organisational structure?

pro's: unit managers are responsible for results, HQ doesn't have to lead day to day activities
contra's: a lot of duplication of work force.
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What are the pro's and contra's and differences of the matrix-project structure:

pro's: very fluid and flexible to environmental changes, fast decision making
contra's: task and personality conflict, complex to assign people
differences: project structure don't return to functional team but go to next project

What are the 2 boundaryless organisations and explain

virtual organisation: has a small core of vast employees and outsource the rest to external individuals with high skills
network organisations: use your own employees to go and fix problems of other companies

Explain the pro's and contra's of work specialisation

if you divide all the manufacturing processes and do not specialise them you will have less efficiency, if you do it too much your employees will have stress, will be bored and so on.

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