Structures of Metals and Ceramics - Metallic Crystal Structures

6 important questions on Structures of Metals and Ceramics - Metallic Crystal Structures

Name the three crystal structures common in metals.

  1. Face-centered cubic (FCC)
  2. Body-centered cubic (BCC)
  3. Hexagonal close-packed (HCP)

How can the number of atoms per unit cell be computed for cubic structures?

N = Ni + (Nf / 2) + (Nc / 8)

What is the coordination number?

The amount of nearest-neighbor or touching atoms.
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Describe a body-centered cubic crystal structure.

It consists of a cube with atoms located at all eight corners and a single atom at the cube center.

Describe a simple cubic crystal structure.

A unit cell that consists of atoms situated only at the corners of the cube. Its APF is really low.

Describe a hexagonal close-packed structure.

The top and bottom faces of the unit cell consist of six atoms that form regular hexagons and surround a single atom in the center, with another plane of three atoms in between.

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