Imperfections in Solids - Impurities in Solids - Solid solutions

6 important questions on Imperfections in Solids - Impurities in Solids - Solid solutions

Describe a solid solution.

Compositionally homogeneous, with randomly and uniformly dispersed impurity atoms.

When does a solid solution form?

When the crystal structure is maintained when adding solute atoms to the host material.

What do the four Hume-Rothery rules determine?

The degree to which the solute dissolves into the solvent.
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What are the four Hume-Rothery rules?

  1. Atom size factor
  2. Crystal structure
  3. Electronegativity factor
  4. Valences

What types of interstitial sites are found in FCC and BCC structures?

  1. Tetrahedral
  2. Octahedral

What is the consequence of the addition of larger impurity atoms than the interstitial position?

They introduce some lattice strains on adjacent host atoms.

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