Imperfections in Solids - Point Defects in Ceramics

5 important questions on Imperfections in Solids - Point Defects in Ceramics

What point defects exist in ceramic compounds?

Vacancies and interstitials for each ion type.

Describe the term defect structure

It is used to designate the types and concentrations of atomic defects in ceramics.

What is a consequence of electroneutrality?

Defects in ceramics do not occur alone.
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Describe a stoichiometric material

An ionic compound that is in the state where the exact ratio of cations to anions can be predicted by the chemical formula.

How do you calculate the number of cation-vacancy/cation-interstitial defect pairs Nfr for Frenkel defects?

Nfr = N exp(-Qfr /2k * T)

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