Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding - Electrons in Atoms

15 important questions on Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding - Electrons in Atoms

What is the specific value of energy for electrons?

Levels or states.

Describe the wave-mechanical model.

The electron is considered to exhibit both wavelike and particlelike characteristics. The position of the electron is described by a probability distribution or electron cloud.

What are the four quantum numbers?

n, l, mL and ms
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What is the principle quantum number n?

It corresponds to the shell of the atom, which is related to the size of an electrons orbital.

What is the quantum number l?

L designates the subshell, which is restricted by n, and can take values from l = 0 to l = (n-1)

What do electron orbital shapes depend on?

Quantum number l.

What values of l correspond to which orbital shape?

l = 0 gives s
l = 1 gives p
l = 2 gives d
l = 3 gives f

What determines the number of electron orbitals?

The third quantum number mL which can take values from -l to +l, including 0.

What is the fourth quantum number?

MS which is related to the spin moment of an electron, which can either be +1/2 or -1/2.

What does the principle quantum number have to do with energy?

The smaller the principle quantum number, the lower the energy.

How many electrons does the f orbital contain?


What does the ground state mean?

The state of an atom in which all electrons occupy the lowest possible energies.

What is the electron configuration of an atom?

The manner in which the energy states are occupied.

What are valence electrons?

Electrons in the outermost shell, which participate in the bonding between atoms.

What is a stable electron configuration?

When the outermost shell, consisting of s and p orbitals, is completely filled with 8 electrons.

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