Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding - Primary Interatomic Bonds

10 important questions on Atomic Structure and Interatomic Bonding - Primary Interatomic Bonds

Where can ionic bondings be found?

In compounds composed of both metallic and nonmetallic elements.

What are the attractive forces in ions?

Coulombic, positive and negative ions attract one another.

What are characteristics of ceramic materials?

Hard, brittle, electrically and thermally insulative.
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What are covalent bonds?

Bonds in which two atoms will each contribute at least one electron to the bond and the shared electrons may be considered to belong to both atoms.

Where can covalent bonds be found?

In materials in which atoms have small differences in electronegativity.

What is a characteristic of covalently bonded materials?

They are electrical insulators.

What is electron sp3 hybridization?

The merging of one 2s and three 2p orbitals, with an angle of 109.5 degrees.

What is sp2 hybridization?

The merging of one 2s and two of the three 2p orbitals, the last 2p orbital remains unhybridized.

Where can metallic bonding be found?

In metals and their alloys.

What do the free electrons in metallic bonding shield the positively charged ion cores from?

Mutually repulsive electrostatic forces.

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