Resources and capabilities - Diagnosing resources and capabilities

7 important questions on Resources and capabilities - Diagnosing resources and capabilities

What is the VRIO analysis used for?

The VRIO analysis helps to evaluate if, how and to what extent an organisation or company has resources and capabilities that are:
  1. Valuable
  2. Rare
  3. Inimitable
  4. Supported by the organisation.

What are high order strategic themes?

Ways in which the organisation meets the critical succes factors determining them in the industry.

What 3 points need to be emphasized when mapping activity systems?

  • The importance of linkages and fit
  • The relationship to VRIO
  • Unnecessary activities
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What 2 approaches to benchmarking are there?

  1. Industry/sector benchmarking. Insights gained by comparing performance against other organisations in the same industry or between similar service providers against a set of performance indicators.
  2. Best-in-class benchmarking. Compares organisation's performance or capabilities against the 'best-in-class" performance - from whichever industry - and seeks to overcome limitations.

What are the potential limitations of benchmarking?

  1. Surface comparisons, E.g. when only comparing outputs the underlying resources and capabilities are not directly identified.
  2. Simply achieving competitive equality.

What is the aim of a SWOT analysis?

To identify the extent to which strengths and weaknesses are relevant to, or capable of dealing with, the changes taking place in the business environment.

What are the 2 main dangers in a SWOT exercise?

  • Listing. Can generate very long lists of SWOTs. So prioritization of issues matters.
  • A summary, not a substitute. Biased views and lack of specificity are why the other analyses are needed.

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