Macro-environment analysis - PESTEL analysis - PESTEL factors

7 important questions on Macro-environment analysis - PESTEL analysis - PESTEL factors

Explain the political factor of PESTEL

Highlights the role of the state and other political factors. Useful to identify:
  • Role of the state
  • Exposure to civil society organizations

Explain the economics factor of PESTEL

It is important for an organization to understand how its markets are affected by the prosperity of economy as a whole. Economic growth rates have an underlying tendency to rise and fall in regular cycles: the economic cycle.

Explain the social factor of PESTEL

Social elements influencing demand can be analyzed in 4 categories:
  1. Demographics
  2. Distribution
  3. Geography
  4. Culture
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Explain the term 'small worlds'

A small world exists where the large majority of a network's members is closely connected.

What are the indicators of innovative activity?

There are 5 primary indicators of innovative activity:
  1. Research and development budgets
  2. Patenting activity
  3. Citation analysis
  4. New product announcements
  5. Media coverage

What are technology road maps?

They project into the future various products or service demands, identify technology alternatives to meet these demands, select the most promising alternatives and then offer a timeline for their development.

What are the challenges that organizations may meet considering ecological issues?

  • Direct pollution
  • Product stewardship - refers to managing ecological issues throughout both the organization's entire value chain and the whole life cycle of the product.
  • Sustainable development - refers to whether the product or service can be produced indefinitely into the future

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