Industry and sector analysis - The competitive factors

8 important questions on Industry and sector analysis - The competitive factors

What are key determinants of profitability?

The extent of competition and the strength of buyers and suppliers. Varies between industries.
  • When competition and buyer and supplier strengths are low, there is a little threat of new competitors and good profits should be expected.

What 5 factors tend to define the extent of rivalry in an industry or market?

  • Competitor concentration balance. When competitors are numerous or of equal size and power, increase in rivalry. E.g through aggressive price cuts. Less rivalrous means one or two dominant organisations.
  • Industry growth rate. Strong growth means organisations can grow as well. Slow growth means that organisations face resistance when growing. Low grow markets thus have low profitability.
  • High fixed costs. Industries with high fixed costs have high rivalry.
  • High exit barriers. Increases rivalry.
  • Low differentiation. Increases rivalry because only can compete on price. E.g petrol.

What are 5 important entry barriers?

  • Scale and experience
  • Access to supply or distribution channels
  • Expected retaliation
  • Legislation or government action
  • Establishment advantage
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In what 4 conditions is buyer power high?

  • Concentrated buyers, meaning few large buyers. E.g. for milk, just a few retailers dominate the market. Also when a product accounts for a high percentage of the buyers total percentage.
  • Low switching costs. E.g. steel.
  • Buyer competition threat. If a buyer can supply itself or can acquire such a capability.
  • Low buyer profits and impact on quality.

What is a complementor?

An organisation is your complementor if it enhances your business attractiveness to customers or suppliers.

What are the issues to consider when defining the industry?

  • Must not be defined too broad or narrow.
  • Broader industry value chain needs to be considered.
  • Most industries can be analysed at different levels.

What is the aim of the Five Forces analysis?

The aim is an assessment of the attractiveness of the industry and any possibilities to manage strategies in relation to the forces to promote long-term survival and competitive advantage.

What are the implications of the five forces?

  • Which industries to enter (or leave)?
  • How can the five forces be managed?
  • How are the competitors affected directly?

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