Industry and sector analysis - Competitors and makets

3 important questions on Industry and sector analysis - Competitors and makets

Which 2 issues are particularly important in market segment analysis?

  • Variation in customer needs. Focusing on customer needs that are highly distinctive from those typical in the market is a way of building a long-term segment strategy.
  • Specialization within a market. Also called niche strategy.

What 3 features are highlighted by the strategy canvas?

  • Critical success factors (CSFs). Factors that are particularly valued by customers or provide a significant advantage in terms of cost.
  • Value curves. Graphic depiction of how customers perceive competitor's relative performance across the CSFs.
  • Value innovation. Creation of new market space by excelling on established CSFs on which competitors are performing badly and/or creating new CSFs for previously unrecognized customer wants.

What is a value innovator?

A value innovator is a company that has a radically different value curve and competes in "blue oceans".

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