Business -level strategy

22 important questions on Business -level strategy

 What is the strategy clock?

Represents different positions in a market where customers (or potential customers) have different 'requirements' in the terms of value-for-money.

What options are there in the strategy clock?

1. No frills
2. Low price
3. Hybrid
4. Differentation a; without price premium b; with price premium
5. Focuesed differentation
6. Increased price/standard value
7. Increased price/low value
8. Low value/standard price

What are the needs/risks of the low price strategy?

Risk of price war and low margins; needs to be cost leader
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What are the needs/risks of the hybrid strategy?

Low cost base and reinvestment in low price and differentation

What are the needs/risks of the differentation strategy without price premium?

Perceived added value by user, yielding market share benefits

What are the needs/risks of the differentation strategy with price premium?

Perceive added value sufficient to bear price premium

What are the needs/risks of the increased price/standard value strategy?

Higher margins if competitotors do not follow, risk of losing market share

What are the needs/risks of the increased price/low value strategy?

Only feasible in monopoly situation

What is a no frills strategy?

Combines a low price, low percieved product/service benefits and a focus on a price-sensitive market segment

What is a low-price strategy?

Seeks to achieve a lower price than competitors whilst trying to maintain similar perceived product or service benefits to those offered by competitors

What is a differentation strategy?

Seeks to provide products or services benefits that are different from those of competitors and that are widely valued by buyers

What is a hybrid strategy?

A hybrid strategy seeks simultaneously to acihieve differentation and a price lower than that of competitors

What is a focused differentation strategy?

Seeks to provide high perceived product/service benefits justifying a substantial price premium, usually to a selected market segment (niche)

How can a price-based advantage be sustained?

- Operating with lower margins
- A unique cost structure
- Organisationally specific capabillities
- Focusing on market segments

What are the dangers of persueing a low-price strategy?

- Competitors may be able to do the same
- Associate low price with low product/service benefits
- Inability to persue a differentation strategy

How can a differentation-based advantage be sustained?

- Create difficulties of imitation
- Imperfect mobility (cannot be traded; intangible assets, switching costs, co specialisation)
- A lower cost position

Where is the achievement of lock-in likely to be dependent on?

- Size or market dominance
- First mover dominance
- Self-reinforcing commitment
- Insistence of the preservation

How do you respons to a competitive threat if a strategy of differentiation is retained?

- Build multiple bases of differentation
- Ensure a meaningful basis of differentation
- Minimise price differences
- Focus on less price sensitive market segments

How do you respond to a competitive threat if a strategy of low price is retained?

- Establish a seperate brand
- Run the business separately and ensure it is well resourced
- Ensure benefits to differentiated offering
- Allow the business to compete

Examples of responsing to competitive threat by changing own business model?

- Become solutions providers
- Become a low-price provider

Why would collaboration be benefitial?

Collaboration between organisations may be a way of achieving advantage or avoiding competition

What are the benefits of collaboration?

- Increased selling power
- Increased buying power
- Increased barrier to entry
- Decreased risk of substition
- Entry to new markets
- Shared work with customers
- Stakeholder expectations

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