Late Medieval Italy - 14th century

22 important questions on Late Medieval Italy - 14th century

What was the country of Italy like in the 14th century?

It wasn't a country, but a collection of numerous independent city states.

Why did Italy prosper in the early 14th century?

Because the city states were famous for their maritime trade, their banks and the manufacture of arms and textiles.

Why was Italy's prosperity threatened in the late 1340s?

Because of the Black Death (bubonic plague), that killed about 50 percent of Italy's population.
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What was the effect of the bubonic plague in terms of art?

It stimulated the commissioning of religious images and it caused a lot of new hospitals to be built.

What was a development in 14th century Italy in terms of its cultural life?

The blossoming of vernacular literature, which exposed the more common people to philosophical and intellectual concepts.

What did the development of a vernacular literature in Italy symbolize?

The start of the Renaissance.

What did the Humanists do for the Renaissance?

They went to look for ancient Greek and Roman art, literature and philosophy that had been lost or cast aside during the middle ages.

What did the Humanists really strive after as their life goal?


Who was Giotto di Bondone's teacher?


What did Giotto di Bondone do differently from his teacher?

He did not use the maniere greca anymore.

What is chiarascuro and who first used it?

The use of contrast between light and dark. Giotto di Bondone basically helped develop it.

What was Duccio di Buoninsegna's art style?

He used a relaxed version of the Byzantine tradition by turning figures around slightly and by personalizing their faces. The clothing also became more real.

In which style was the Orvieto Cathedral (Siena) built?

In a French Gothic style with Romanesque elements.

Who was Simone Martini and what did he do?

He was the pupil of Duccio di Buoninsegna, a friend of Petrarch's and the creator of the International style.

What are the elements of the International style?

Elegant shapes, radiant colour, flowing lines and weightless figures in golden, spaceless settings.

Who was Lippo Memmi's master?

Simone Martini.

Who was Pietro Lorenzetti?

A student of Duccio di Buoninsegna and and one of the inventors of pictorial realism.

Why was Siena's Palazzo Pubblico so important?

Because it was a symbol of power, both for its citizens and its visitors. It made them admire and respect the republic's success.

Why was Florence such an important city state?

Because it completely controlled Italy's textile industry and its coin was the standard for all of Europe.

What is a fresco?

A way of painting with pigments diluted in water on freshly laid lime plaster.

Why are frescos so durable?

Because the wet plaster absorbs the pigments.

What did the life of an aspiring artist look like?

  • Apprenticeship at a master artist between the ages of 7 and 15, as arranged by their father.
  • As apprentices, doing tedious jobs such as paint grinding, wood preparation and plaster laying.
  • Imitating their master's art.
  • Entering a guild as an actual artist.

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