Late Medieval Italy - 13th century

5 important questions on Late Medieval Italy - 13th century

In which style did Bonaventura Berlinghieri paint?

In the Italo-Byzantine style (or the maniere greca).

What does Berlinghieri's Saint Francis Altarpiece highlight, and how?

The prominent role of religious orders in late medieval Italy by showing the saint's valuable example and the order's commitment to teaching and alleviating suffering.

How was the Great Schism solved?

By electing a Roman pope (Martin V) in 1417.
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What did the pope's absence during the 14th century contribute to?

To an increase in prominence of monastic orders.

How should medieval artists be referred to?

By their given name, not their title or location of birth. Nicola Pisano is an example of this and shouldn't actually be called that.

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