Renaissance and Mannerism in Cinquecento Italy - High and Late Renaissance

19 important questions on Renaissance and Mannerism in Cinquecento Italy - High and Late Renaissance

What period is considered the High Renaissance?

From 1495 until the deaths of Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael in 1520.

Which art form held the highest status during the 16th century in Italy?

The pictorial arts.

Why was Leonardo da Vinci a true Renaissance man?

Because he was an artist-scientist with an in-depth understanding of anatomy, hydraulics. zoology and many other scientific fields that he claimed made his paintings better.
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What did Leonardo da Vinci say about eyes?

It is better to be deaf than blind, because we need our eyes to grasp the changing images of life to come a little bit closer to true reality.

What was groundbreaking about Leonardo's Madonna of the Rocks?

For the first time, characters were sharing the same setting, instead of basically floating around in nothingness. He could do this because he understood how space and lighting worked.

What do Leonardo's analytical anatomical studies epitomize?

The scientific spirit of the Renaissance, sharply contrasting the Middle Ages and establishing a prelude to the modern age.

Which technique did Leonardo use in his anatomical drawings?

Cutaway views.

Who was Raphael's last patron?

Pope Leo X.

Which religion originated because of the Reformation?


Why did the Reformation begin during the first half of the 16th century?

Because Catholics were disgruntled by the influence of nepotism in the Church, the fact that their religious leaders were trying to make lots of money and by the change in beliefs (like people could buy away their sins).

What are indulgences in Dutch?


To what movement does Michelangelo's The Last Judgment belong?

To Counter-Reformation.

What was special about the Venetian painting style?

The painters let themselves be inspired by the soft-coloured light that was typical for the maritime city. As a result, the paintings contained many shadows and other light effects.

What did Michelangelo think of the use of mathematics in art?

He believed it was wrong, for artists must not be bound and mainly work with their eyes to decide what beauty is.

Why did Michelangelo consider sculpture superior to other forms of art?

Because sculptors have the divine power to "make man".

What is the difference in the perspective on art between Protestantism and Catholiscism?

Protestants viewed art as distractful from forming one's own relation with God and as idolatry. Catholics, on the other hand, saw it is highly valuable for creating piety.

Why did not many women become artists during the Renaissance?

Because apprenticeship mandated the apprentices to live together with their master, which wasn't possible for a woman. Also, they weren't allowed to use nudes to study from.

In which way did women have the most influence on art?

As behind-the-scene patrons, as the ones who stimulated their husbands to commission certain kinds of art to show of their wealth and therefore indirectly also his wife's wealth.

When did painters start using canvas instead of wood?

In Titian's time, so during the second half of the 16th century.

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