Chromosomes and Cellular Reproduction - Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Differ in a Number of Ways

8 important questions on Chromosomes and Cellular Reproduction - Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells Differ in a Number of Ways

What are the two basic cell types?

Eukaryotes and Prokaryotes

Which is larger: prokaryotes or eukaryotes?


What tis ploidy?

The number of copies of each type of chromosome
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What are homologous pairs (homologs)?

Two copies of each type of chromosome that are identical

When chromosomes replicate the two resulting ____ stay together and are called ____

Chromatids; sister chromatids

As long as sister chromatids are attached together they're considered to be _____ (how many) chromosomes?


The chromatid of one member of a homologous pair is a _____ of the chromatid of the other member

Non-sister chromatid

What is a telomere?

Repeating sequence of DNA located at the ends of chromosomes

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