Molecular structure of DNA and RNA - Nucleotide structure

6 important questions on Molecular structure of DNA and RNA - Nucleotide structure

What is a nucleotide?

The repeating structural unit of DNA and RNA.

Which types of sugars are found in nucleotides and in which type of nucleic acids?

- The nucleotides in DNA contain deoxyribose;
- The nucleotides of RNA contain ribose.

In which 2 parts can the different bases be divided?

- Purines;
- Pyrimidines.
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Which bases are purine bases?

Adenine (A) and guanine (G), they have a double-ring structure.

In what way are nucleosides named?

The name comes from the type of sugar and the type of base, so ribose attached to adenine is called adenosine.

When phospate groups are attached to a nucleoside, how is the molecule then called?

For example, when a nucleotide consists of deoxyribose, adenine and three phosphate groups, the name is deoxyadenosine triphosphate (dATP).

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