Translation of mRNA - Ribosome structure and assembly

5 important questions on Translation of mRNA - Ribosome structure and assembly

Why is a ribosome necessary for translation to occur, what is its function in the process?

- It breaks the bond between the 3' end of the tRNA and the amino acid;
- It facilitates the formation of a peptide bond between the adjecent amino acids.

How many different types of ribosomes do bacteria and eukaryotes have?

- Bacteria: 1
- Eukaryotes: different ribosomes in different cellular locations.

What kind of subunits does each ribosome have and how are those built?

Large and small subunits, each of them is built of rRNA molecules and proteins.
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In bacteria and eukaryotes, where are rRNA's assembled?

- In bacteria: cytoplasm, and also the assembly of the ribosomal subunits;
- In eukaryotes: nucleus, the assembly of the ribosomal subunits take place within the nucleolus.

What is a polyribosome or polysome?

An mRNA transcript that has many bound ribosomes in the act of translation.

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