Gene transcription and RNA modification - A comparison of transcription and RNA modification in Bacteria and Eukaryotes

8 important questions on Gene transcription and RNA modification - A comparison of transcription and RNA modification in Bacteria and Eukaryotes

What is the difference between the promoter of bacteria and eukaryotes?

- The promoter in bacteria consists of -35 and -10 sequences;
- The promoter in eukaryotes often consists of a TATA box and a transcriptional start site (core promoter).

What is the difference between RNA polymerase of bacteria and eukaryotes?

- Bacteria have just one single RNA polymerase;
- Eukaryotes have three types of RNA polymerase, RNA polymerase II transcribes protein-encoding genes.

What is the difference between initiation of transcription in bacteria and in eukaryotes?

- In bacteria, sigma factor is needed for promoter recognition;
- In eukaryotes, five general transcription factors (GTFs) are needed for recognition of the promoter.
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What is the difference between the start of elongation in bacteria and in eukaryotes?

- In bacteria, the release of sigma factor is needed;
- In eukaryotes, mediator controls the switch to the elongation phase.

What is the difference between termination in bacteria and in eukaryotes?

- In bacteria, p-dependent and p-independent termination occurs;
- About the termination in eukaryotes there are two models, the allosteric model and the torpedo model.

What is the difference between splicing in bacteria and in eukaryotes?

- In bacteria, splicing is very rare. If it happens, it is self-splicing;
- In eukaryotes, splicing occurs commonly in protein-encoding pre-mRNAs in complex eukaryotes via a spliceosome. Self-splicing occurs rarely.

What is the difference between capping in bacteria and in eukaryotes?

- In bacteria, capping does not occur.
- In eukaryotes, there is the addition of a 7-methylguanosine cap.

What is the difference between tailing in bacteria and in eukaryotes?

- In bacteria, the tail is added to the 3' end, it promotes degredation;
- In eukaryotes, the tail is also added to the 3' end,  but there it promotes stability.

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