Molecular structure of chromosomes and transposable elements - Organization of functional sites along eukaryotic chromosomes

6 important questions on Molecular structure of chromosomes and transposable elements - Organization of functional sites along eukaryotic chromosomes

What is the shape of eukaryotic chromosomes?

The eukaryotic chromosomes are lineair.

How many genes does a single chromosome have?

A few hundred to several thousand.

How many bp does a eukaryotic gene have?

Several thousand to tens of thousands.
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Why are protein-encoding genes in more complex eukaryotic organisms much longer than in less complex organisms?

Because of the large amount of introns.

What are the specialized regions at the end of the eukaryotic chromosomes called?

The telomeres.

What are the functions of the telomeres?

- Preventing chromosomal rearrangements;
- Prevent chromosome shortening:
           - Telomeres protect chromosomes from digestion by exonucleases that recognize the end of DNA;
           - An unusual form of DNA replication occurs at this site to prevent the chromosomes from being shortened with each round of DNA replication.

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