Molecular structure of chromosomes and transposable elements - Sizes of eukaryotic genomes and repetitive sequences

7 important questions on Molecular structure of chromosomes and transposable elements - Sizes of eukaryotic genomes and repetitive sequences

Why is there sometimes an enormous difference in genome size between two closely related species of a certain organism?

Some species have an enormous amount of repetitive sequences which do not encode proteins.

To what does the term 'sequence complexity' refer?

To the number of times a particular base sequence appears throughout the genome of a species.

What are unique or nonrepetitive sequences?

Sequences that are found once or a few times within a genome, such as protein-encoding genes.
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What are moderately repetitive sequences?

Sequences that are found a few hundred to several thousand times within a genome.

What is an example of a gene that can be a moderately repetitive sequence in some organisms?

For example, an organism needs a lot of rRNA molecules, so it has multiple copies of the gene for rRNA in its genome.

What are highly repetitive sequences?

Sequences that are found tens of thousands or even millions of times throughout a genome.

What is a tandem array?

A sequence in which a very short nucleotide sequence is repeated many times in a row.

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