Molecular structure of chromosomes and transposable elements - Structure of eukaryotic chromosomes in nondividing cells

14 important questions on Molecular structure of chromosomes and transposable elements - Structure of eukaryotic chromosomes in nondividing cells

The DNA must be folded into a large extent to fit inside the nucleus. How is this managed?

By the binding of DNA to many different proteins.

What is the repeating structural unit within eukaryotic chromatin?

The nucleosome.

Where does the nucleosome consist of?

A double-stranded segment of DNA wrapped around an octomer.
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In addition to the core histones, which other histone protein is found in most eukaryotic cells and how is it called?

H1, it is called the linker histone.

Nucleosomes are organized into a more compact structure. How is this structure called?

The 30-nm fiber.

To fit within a cell nucleus, what needs the 30-nm fiber needs to do?

To be folded into loops, which are called loop domains.

What is a protein that one of the mechanisms that result into loop formation needs, named?

The CCCTC binding factor (CTCF).

What are proteins that are needed for a second mechanism to form a loop formation?

The SMC proteins.

Where is each chromosome located in the cell nucleus?

In a discrete chromosome territory.

There is some variability in the compaction level of chromosomes during interphase. What are two terms to describe the compaction level?

- Heterochromatin: tightly compacted regions of chromosomes, usually transcriptionally inactive;
- Euchromatin: less compacted regions, usually able of gene transcription.

What is constitutive heterochromatin?

A term to refer to chromosomal regions that are heterochromatic in all cell types of a multicellular organism.

What does constitutive heterochromatin contain and where is it mostly found?

- It usually contains highly repetitive DNA sequences;
- It is mostly found in telomers and centromers.

What is facultative heterochromatin?

Heterochromatin that differs among different cells of the body.

Where is the facultative heterochromatin mostly found?

In small regions in between the centromere and telomere, where many genes are located.

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