Chromosome transmission during cell division and sexual reproduction - Meiosis

3 important questions on Chromosome transmission during cell division and sexual reproduction - Meiosis

How are the chromosomes divided during meiosis into the two daughter cells?

Each gamete receives 23 chromosomes, one of each chromosome.

What are the differences and similarities between the phases of mitosis and meiosis?

Both have a G1, S, and G2 phase. Meiosis involves two divisions and mitosis just one.

What happens in each phase of prophase of meiosis I?

Leptotene: the replicated chromosomes condense.
Zygotene: synapsis occurs, in which the homologous chromosomes recognize each other and align themselves.
Pachytene: homologs are completely aligned, the associated chromosomes are called bivalents or tetrads. Crossing over occurs.
Diplotene: synaptonemal complex dissociates.
Diakinesis: nuclear membrane breaks apart, end of prophase I.

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