Chromosome transmission during cell division and sexual reproduction - Mitosis and cytokinesis

6 important questions on Chromosome transmission during cell division and sexual reproduction - Mitosis and cytokinesis

From what is the spindle apparatus formed?

Microtubule-organizing centers (MOTCs).

What is the mitotic spindle apparatus?

A structure involved in the organization and sorting of chromosomes.

What does the spindle apparatus  contain?

Two MTOCs called centrosomes. Each centrosome is located at a spindle pole.
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Which three kinds of microtubules play a role in mitosis, and what is their function?

- Astral microtubules, which are important for the positioning of the spindle apparatus;
- Polar microtubules, which play a role in the separation of the two poles;
- Kintochore microtubules, which attach to kinetochores.

What is the cleavage furrow?

A ring in the plasma of a cell that moves inward and thereby divides the cell into two different cells.

What is the outcome of mitotic cell division?

Two daughter cells that are identical to the mother cell.

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