DNA replication - Bacterial DNA replication: chemistry and accuracy

5 important questions on DNA replication - Bacterial DNA replication: chemistry and accuracy

Where does the energy, needed for the attachment of new nucleotides, come from?

The incoming dNTP is cleaved to form a nucleoside monophosphate and pyrophosphate.

What is a processive enzyme?

An enzyme that works very efficient becaues it does not immediately dissociate from the template strand after doing its job.

Which subunit of DNA polymerase causes the enzyme to be processive?

The beta subunit.
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After DNA synthesis, only 1 mistake in 100 million nucleotides is made. What three factors play a role in this fidelity of DNA replication?

- A mismatched pair of bases is not as stable as a correct base pair;
- The active site of DNA polymerase almost only attaches a new nucleotide when it is correct;
- DNA can identify a mismatched nucleotide and remove it (proofreading function).

What are ARS elements?

The origins of replication in eukaryotes, which contains of many AT-rich regions.

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