Variation in chromosome structure and number - Variation in the number of sets of chromosomes

8 important questions on Variation in chromosome structure and number - Variation in the number of sets of chromosomes

What are haplodiploid species?

Species where one of the sexes is haploid and the other is diploid.

Is polyploidy in every organism lethal, like in mammals?

No, there are a lot of species in which it is very common and does not result in phenotypic differences.

How is it called when polyploid cells occur in organisms that are otherwise diploid?

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What is a polytene chromosome?

A chromosome that doubles multiple times and produces a bundle of chromosomes.

What is the central point in a polytene chromosome called?

The chromocenter.

What kind of advantage do plants that are polyploid have?

They are often larger, more robust and produce more food.

Polyploid plants that have an odd number of chromosomes cannot reproduce. Why?

They produce highly aneuploid gametes. During anaphase of meiose I the homologous chromosomes seperate randomly.

Why can the sterility of plants with an odd number of chromosomes have an advantage for us?

They do not have seeds.

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