DNA replication - Bacterial DNA replication: synthesis of new DNA strands

15 important questions on DNA replication - Bacterial DNA replication: synthesis of new DNA strands

What does the unwinding of the two strands generate?

Positive supercoiling ahead of each replication fork.

Which enzyme alleviates (verlicht) the positive supercoiling?

Topoisomerase II (DNA gyrase).

What kind of RNA is made during DNA replication?

RNA primers, short strands of RNA that prime the process of DNA replication.
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By which enzyme are RNA primers made?

By primase.

Which enzyme is responsible for synthesizing the DNA?

DNA polymerase.

How is the lagging strand synthesized?

RNA primers repeatedly initiate the synthesis of short segments of DNA.

Which 3 additional events must occur to complete the synthesis of the Okazaki fragments?

- Removal of the RNA primers;
- Synthesis of DNA in the area where the primers have been removed;
- Covalent attachment of adjecent fragments of DNA.

Which enzyme completes the replication by bind the adjacent Okazaki fragments?

DNA ligase.

What is dimeric DNA polymerase?

The complex of two DNA polymerase holoenzymes that move as a unit during DNA replication.

Why is a loop made in the lagging strand during replication?

Because of the dimeric DNA polymerase (two bound DNA polymerases) and the fact that the lagging strand can't be continuously replicated.

How are the two daughter strands linked to create to new circular DNA molecules?

By DNA ligase.

How ware the intertwined DNA molecules decatenated?

By topoisomerase II, which introduces a temporary break in the DNA strands and links them back together when they are onlocked.

What are conditional mutants?

Mutations that depend on certain environmental factors.

What is an example of a conditional mutant?

A temperature-sensitive (ts) mutant.

Where could this ts mutants be useful for?

For the research on DNA replication: when you cause a ts mutation in a gene, you can compare the growth with the growth of a normal cell and thus see the function of the gene that has a mutant.

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