Translation of mRNA - Experimental determination of the genetic code

5 important questions on Translation of mRNA - Experimental determination of the genetic code

Which three research groups played a role in deciphering the genetic code?

- Group headed by Nirenberg
- Group headed by Ochoa
- Group headed by Khorana

What is a cell-free translation system?

A mixture of different cell components (ribosomes, tRNA's, translation factors) that, when mRNA and amino acids are added, is able to synthesize polypeptides in a laboratory.

When the percentages of added nucleotides are known, how can the relative amounts of the possible codons be predicted?

By writing down the possible codons and calculating the percentage of this codon (for example: when 70% G and 30% U is added, the exected percentage of UGG is 0,3*0,7*0,7 = 0,15 = 15%.
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How was the experiment of Nirenberg and colleagues set up?

- They placed the cell-free translation system into 20 tubes;
- They added a mRNA polymer of 70%G and 30%U;
- They calculated the relative amount of the possible codons;
- They added amino acids; one was radiolabled;
- They waited 60 min for transcription to occur;
- They looked at the %s of radiolabled amino acid into the translated polymers and compared it with the calculated relative amounts of polymers to determine which codon results in a certain amino acid.

Khorana and colleagues performed a similar experiment. What did they different then Nirenbergs experiment?

They added triplets (for example, 5'-CCC-3') and looked which radiolabled amino acid was bound.

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