DNA replication - Bacterial DNA replication: the formation of two replication forks at the origin of replication

6 important questions on DNA replication - Bacterial DNA replication: the formation of two replication forks at the origin of replication

The synthesis of new daughter strands proceeds in both directions. How is this called?


What is a replication fork?

The region where parental DNA strands have separated and new daughter strands are being made.

How does DNA replication begin?

With the binding of DnaA proteins to sequences within the origin of replication (DnaA boxes).
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How are the DNA strands separated?

- The origin of replication contains AT-rich regions;
- And as the DnaA proteins bind, they form a complex;
- The DNA bends around the complex which causes the AT-rich region to separate.

What happens when the AT-rich region is separated?

DnaA proteins recruit DNA helicase, which breaks the hydrogen bonds between the two strands.

Within the origin of replication, there are GATC sites. When what happens to these sites, DNA replication is initiated?

When they are methylated.

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