Extensions of Mendelian inheritance - Incomplete dominance, overdominance, and codominance

7 important questions on Extensions of Mendelian inheritance - Incomplete dominance, overdominance, and codominance

What is incomplete dominance?

Incomplete dominance is a condition in which the phenotype is intermediate between the corresponding homozygous individuals.

At the molecular level, what is the explanation that flowers can be pink instead of red or white?

50% of the functional protein is not enough to give a red color, but it's more than giving a white color so the flower becomes pink.

At which level is incomplete dominance more likely to be observed-at the molecular/cellular level or at the organism level?

It is often easier to observe incomplete dominance at the molecular/cellular level.
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What is overdominance, or heterozygote advantage?

Overdominance, or heterozygote advantage is the phenomenon in which a heterozygote has greater reproductive succes compared with either of the corresponding homozygotes.

Why does the heterozygote for sickle cell disease have an advantage?

The heterozygote for sickle cells disease is resistant to malaria.

How can we explain the observation that two protein variants in the Hb^AHb^S heterozygote produce a more favorable phenotype?

  • Disease resistance;
  • Subunit composition of proteins (homodimer);
  • Differences in protein function.

When speaking of blood groups, which allele is an example of a loss-of-function allele?

The i allele is a loss-of-function allele.

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