Extensions of Mendelian inheritance - Sex-influences and sex-limited inheritance

5 important questions on Extensions of Mendelian inheritance - Sex-influences and sex-limited inheritance

What is sex-influenced inheritance?

Sex-influenced inheritance refers to the phenomenon in which an allele is dominant in one sex but recessive in the opposite sex.

What is the phenotype of a female cow that is heterozygous?

A heterozygous female would not have scurs (hornless).

What is sex-limited inheritance?

Sex-limited inheritance means that a trait occurs in only one of the two sexes. These genes are controlled by sex hormones or by the pathway that leads to male and female development.
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What is sexual dimorphism and what is responsible for it?

Sexual dimorphism is the phenomenon in which the males and females of a species are morphologically distinct. Sex-limited traits are responsible for sexual dimorphism.

What is the molecular explanation for sex-limited inheritance?

When a trait is expressed only in males or females, this is possibly due to differences in the levels of sex hormones or other factors that differ between the sexes.

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