Non-mendelian inheritance - Extranuclear inheritance

8 important questions on Non-mendelian inheritance - Extranuclear inheritance

What is extranuclear inheritance or cytoplasmic inheritance?

Extranuclear or cytoplasmic inheritance is the inheritance of genetic material that is not found within the nucleus.

How is a nucleoid different from a cell nucleus?

A nucleoid is not surrounded by a membrane, while a cell nucleus is.

Why do mitochondria need genes that encode rRNAs and tRNAs?

Mitochondria need genes for rRNA and tRNA to translate proteins within the mitochondrial matrix.
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What is reciprocal cross?

A reciprocal cross is a cross in which the sexes and phenotypes of the parents are reversed compared to a first cross.

During growth, can a patch of tissue with a white phenotype give rise to a patch with a green phenotype? Explain.

No. Once a patch of tissue is white, it has lost all of the normal chloroplasts, so it could not produce a patch of green tissue unless a rare mutation occurred.

What is paternal leakage?

Paternal leakage is when the paternal parent provides mitochondria via the sperm.

What are the two things a symbiotic relationship involves? And what are their size?

The symbiont is the smaller of the two, the host is larger.

How have chloroplasts and mitochondria changed since the initial endosymbiosis events, which occurred hundreds of millions of years ago?

Chloroplast and mitochondrial genomes have lost most of  their genes during evolution. Many of these have been transferred to the cell nucleus.

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