Genetic transfer and mapping in bacteria - Bacterial conjugation

3 important questions on Genetic transfer and mapping in bacteria - Bacterial conjugation

Describe how genetic transfer can explain growth of colonies on the middle plate.

To grow, the colonies must have functional copies of all five genes. This could occur by the transfer met+ and bio+ to the met- bio- thr+ leu+ thi+ strain transfer or the transfer of the thr+ leu+ thi+ genes to the met+ bio+ thr- leu- thi- strain.

With regard to studying the mechanism of conjugation, what is the purpose of using a U-tube?

Because bacteria are too small to pass through the filter, the U-tube apparatus can determine if direct cell-to-cell contact is necessary for gene transfer to occur.

Give three examples of plasmids.

  • F factor (fertility factor)
  • R factor (resistance plasmid)
  • Virulence plasmids 

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