Gene regulation in eukaryotes II: Epigenetics - Epigenetics and environmental agents

15 important questions on Gene regulation in eukaryotes II: Epigenetics - Epigenetics and environmental agents

Which two types of environmental agents that have effect on epigenetic modifications are recently studied a lot?

- Diet;
- Toxic agents.

What kind of gene in mice is studied a lot concerning the effect of diet on epigenetic changes?

The Agouti gene.

What kind of genotypes in the Agouti gene cause what kind of phenotypes?

- Wild-type = AA, causes yellow pigment with layers of black pigment.
- Loss-of-function mutation (aa) causes black fur.
- Gain-of-function mutation causes overexpression of the Agouti gene, resulting in yellow fur (Avy).
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How is the Avy allele created on molecular level?

A transposable element (TE) is inserted in the gene, that carries an active promoter, so that the Agouti gene is overexpressed.

What is an intriguing observation in mice carrying the Avy allele?

They exhibit a wide phenotypic variation, from yellow to pseudo-agouti.

Why can mice with the same genotype have such a variety in phenotype?

Researchers think that TEs are particularly sensitive to epigenetic modifications.

What environmental factor could affect epigenetic modifications?


How can diet have influence on DNA methylation?

In order to methylate DNA, DNA methyltransferase removes a methyl group from S-adenosyl methionine (and then transfers it to a cytosine base in DNA). Some nutrients can increase the synthesis of S-adenosyl methionine.

How was the experiment of Waterland and Jirtle (2003) set up?

- They gave pregnant mice folic acid, vitamin B12, bataine and choline chloride (which increase levels of S-adenosyl methionine), and the control group got a normal diet.
- They studied the differences in DNA methylation of the Avy allele in the offspring of those mice.

What did Waterland and Jirtle find?

The offspring of females with the supplemented diet had darker coats than the other mice.

Study of which types of animals also provides evidence that diet may affect DNa methylation?

Study of honeybees.

What two types of female honeybees are there?

Queen bees and worker bees.

What are the differences between queen bees and worker bees?

Queen bees are larger, live longer and produce 2000 eggs a day. Worker bees live short, are sterile and engage in specialized types of work.

How are the differences between queen bees and worker bees explained?

- The bees that become queen bees have been fed a secretion called royal jelly;
- The bees that become worker bees are fed pollen and nectar as well.

What molecular explanation is given for the influence of diet on the development of bees?

- Royal jelly probably contains a substance that inhibits DNA methylation, which allows the expression of genes that play a role in development of queen bees;
- These genes are methylated in worker bees.

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